John Mayer x Justin Timberlake

Can someone please tell me the secret to John Mayer’s coolness?

East Coast Fashion

I have always envied the fashion of people on the east coast.  Maybe it’s the more consistent weather, it could be that they have more options, or that they are just more stylish people in general.  Whatever it is, I love it. See more Here

Flickr – Rita Crane Photography

Check out some more Here


This cartoon by Dan Piraro made me laugh.

This site is dedicated to showcasing and promoting the creative side of film-based photography. It is a 100% independent operation designed, managed and financed by 5 friends and it is their likes, dislikes, enthusiasms, prejudices, limitations and energy that inform its make-up.

-text via

This web site hasn’t been updated in a while, but the photography that is on there is so good.  The people that run this site don’t believe in advertising on their site, so it’s not the greatest, but the photography is well worth it.

Modern Living

Modern Living is an upscale furniture retailer located on prestigious Beverly Boulevard on the Avenues of Art and Design in West Hollywood.

Drawing on the vibrant design scene, Modern Living showcase, a blend of contemporary pieces and modern Italian style furniture. A two-story showroom offers night and day living space as well as outdoor furniture from Paola Lenti, a treat for eye and hand. Bright posters give the space a homey feel and a friendly staff will help and show what Modern Living can offer to you.

-text via Modern Living

The main reason I’m posting this is not only to follow the trend of posting furniture/architecture like my friends, but because the web site alone for Modern Living is great.  Easily navigated, lots of information at your fingertips, and it even plays music right off the bat.  I also love how they present their products.  All of their furniture is presented in a space that is relatively surreal, but is believable enough to make you say, “I could see that in my house”.  Well done Modern Living.

Is this Awesome or Horrible?

The D-Box. Apparently, it’s new cinematic technology that allows a viewer to experience a film in a way like never before. This is what the D-Box website has to say about their product.

“D-BOX Technologies designs and manufactures leading edge high-technology motion systems mainly suited to the needs of the entertainment industry. With its unique, patented technology, « D-BOX Motion Code™ » uses motion codes specifically programmed for each film, TV program or video game, which are sent to a motion generating system integrated within either a platform or a seat. The resulting motion is perfectly synchronised with all onscreen action, creating an unmatched realistic immersive experience.”

This seems pretty cool, kind of reminds me of Indiana Jones at Disneyland, but it also hauntingly reminds me of “The Feelies” in Brave New World.  Hopefully these will just be really cool shaking/moving chairs, and it will stop at that.


trevor-high-school This is a good friend of mine, Trevor.  I was going through some of my old things when I stumbled on these dance photos of him from high school.  I love these pictures.

Stop-Motion Animation

This video is neat because it has classic elements of stop motion, but the artist also throws in some new ways of playing with the art. I really like when he uses his hand to draw with no pen, but instead, stretches the ink with his fingers. Enjoy. (I hope it’s not too much work, but you have to click the link)

minilogue – hitchhiker’s choice from ljudbilden on Vimeo.

Sweet Fashion

Artist, designer, and photographer Massimo Gammacurta has just released his newest creation: high end fashion lolipops.

Each lolipop features one of four high end fashion brands (Gucci, YSL, Louis Vuitton, Chanel). The flavors include: Gucci juicy pomegranate, YSL caramel, Luis Vuitton watermelon slice, Chanel luscious lilac, YSL wild cherry, Chanel green apple, and more.

– text from LOLA New York

Even more so, check out the rest of his portfolio to see the other images inspired by famous films such as Clockwork Orange, Nightmare on Elm Street, The Exorsist, The Shinning, and more.  There is an ironic sense of life in his photography that, at the least, is eye-catching.  I particularly like a work entitled Trick or Treat, The Chocolate Story